For assistance with MU Email and Canvas logins, email

For technical assistance:

Forgot Your Password? Click here for instructions to reset your password.
  1. Enter your Methodist ID/Username in the text box to the left, then click the “I forgot my password” link and a temporary password will be sent to your email address of record.
    • Students, your Methodist ID/Username is the numeric version of the first six digits printed on your Methodist ID card. For example, if your Methodist ID number is 0123450, you would enter 12345. Do NOT enter any leading zeros.
  2. Once you are logged into myMU, click the icon next to the search icon, then click the “Personal Info” link as shown below.
  3. Click the “Password” tab on the right.
  4. Enter your current password in the “Old Password” text box. Enter your chosen password in the “New Password” text box, and reenter it in the “Confirm Password” box.
  5. Click "Save"